At the beginning of the pandemic I was, like everyone else, looking for something to practice. I started practicing my Flute Concerto (2010) and the Karg-Elert Caprices. I was struck with the idea that elements of the music of my Flute Concerto (2010) lended itself to a deeper treatment. 

Each of the Concerto Caprices contains anywhere from a few bars to a slightly longer quote from the Concerto itself. These quoted bars were used as inspiration for each of the Caprices and one would really have to know the music of the Concerto to discern which is which. I have completed six so far, but intention is to complete at least twelve caprices before I publish them in book form.

You can get a copy of the Caprices below. Let me know what you think!


Get a copy of the CONCERTO CAPRICES free below.

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